E-bikes are popular with families taking kiddos on the go, as are bikes with chunkier frames. This adapter increases the width of the Ride More seat stirrups so they can fit around a fatter frame. As always, please remember you are riding with precious cargo. Ride with extreme care and adhere to all instructions and warnings in the Ride More/Mac Ride child bike seat disclaimer.
- Steel bolt with aluminum spacers
- Instructions for installing the e-bike adapter are in the adapter package, below, and here.
- The width of a Ride More seat's stirrups is 73mm. To allow for wiggle room and to ensure the stirrups don't touch your frame, we recommend a max top and down tube width of 68mm or less. This fits almost all cruisers and mountain bikes.
- If your frame is 68mm or wider, you have two options:
- Wide adapter: 73-102mm. The recommended width of your top tube and down tube is 97mm or less.
- Extra-Wide adapter: 73 to 122mm. The recommended width of your top tube and down tube is 117mm or less.